"I was lucky enough to be introduced to these amazing, groundbreaking nappies via the Awards last year, and I’m really enjoying trialling them again this year (especially now that my 1-year-old has grown into a 2-year-old). Once again, I love that they’re a cloth and disposable nappy in-one and that the insert is completely compostable. Both the pull-up pants and overnight nappy (the two outers I’ve been sent) fit snugly and it’s easy to place the insert inside. No leaks. The pull-up pants are great for assisting toilet training, while the overnight pants are 100% waterproof and prevent night leaks."
"We really loved trialling the Eenee nappies and playing around with the pull-up pants and nappy wraps. It was just as easy to use as any other nappy with the peace of mind that they are fully compostable and plastic-free! Our boy has always been bigger than most babies so the bigger sized pad works perfectly for us, too."